Navigating the world of business-led IT
Increasingly, businesses are allowing business units to come up with the strategy and even purchases of new technology. Let's look at what business-led IT can do for your business.
Increasingly, businesses are allowing business units to come up with the strategy and even purchases of new technology. Let's look at what business-led IT can do for your business.
With complex projects and issues finding the right people still at the forefront of some businesses, staff augmentation is become more of an option. Here's more on what this means.
With the cloud now in play, as well as some options that bypass the internet entirely, there are more options than ever to share files among networks. Here's a look at a few options for your business.
Downtime is still happening for 80% of companies, according to recent surveys. There are ways, though, to prevent it from being a productivity issue, and a lot of it comes to down to planning and the right kind of predictions.
What can a company to do better strengthen the environment? A lot of it comes down to simply making it a higher priority in strategy and planning — but it also takes some action. Here's our view on how sustainability can be achieved by tech companies.
Tech support is a valuable part of anyone's business plan, and these days it can take place remotely. Here's a look at how tech support can be a crucial part of a company's operations.
It's not an exaggeration to say that many businesses are shifting to the cloud to do business. The difference, though, is in the "why" and "how" for migration. We've collected some ideas on why now may be a great time for cloud migration.
Now may be the best time to work on your data center, making it more efficient as well as resilient. Look to trusted technological solutions — from hardware to the cloud — to improve what your data center does.
Legacy systems are no longer the norm in the world of technology - transformation is often needed. We're sharing information on what to consider when transforming, then managing, your own network systems.
With 5G still being rolled out to some parts of the globe, now there is talk of 6G on the horizon within the next decade. We took a look at what will make 6G a game-changer, including speed and AI capabilities.