
The case for a global IT service desk

The case for a global IT service desk

23 Feb, 2020

Consider this telling statistic: The help desk function typically makes up less than five percent of a firm’s IT spending, but can represent almost 50% of the IT organization’s perceived value. Furthermore, as globalization is now the norm and not the exception, the global IT service desk’s value proposition is increasing at the same time.

Here are a few ways a global IT service desk can positively impact an organization’s bottom line:

1. Glean important insights.
As the central hub for resolving IT issues, the service desk has a vantage point in that it can provide insight into what is working across an organization and what is not from the business user’s perspective. This data is essential information for any IT operation.

2. Reduce costs, boost quality.
One advantage to working with a global help desk is the ability to analyze data to identify and resolve the root causes of incidents. In theory, you can change processes to avoid them in the future, improving the user experience and bottom line at the same time. Too, through the power of technology, such a team can resolve end-user computing issues that have traditionally required on-site assistance. This capability decreases downtime and reduces the costs associated with such support.

3. Enjoy flexibility.
Such a value-add means we can be responsive to the ebb and flow of the business cycle. Furthermore, we have the ability to shape our service scope, best practices and processes to fit your business practices and culture.

Interested in learning more about how a global IT service desk can help support your end-users and your clients? AVASO Technology Solutions has the resources to help you meet those needs. With services in more than 150 countries, we are able to supply augmented workforce personnel on-site wherever it is needed. We have eliminated the many, many layers of vendors to ensure the most direct line to quality employees. Our reach is scalable, global and can support both a short-term project and a long-term placement on budget and with unparalleled speed.

Specifically, with respect to global IT support, AVASO’s Global Service Desk offers a single point of contact for all your technology support needs, 24X7, and in multiple languages. Your global end-users have a high expectation for their support and desire the ability to communicate in local languages where possible. AVASO’s Global Service Desk delivers fast, consistent technological support, providing tailored solutions across end-user’s devices. Contact us now for a quote!